
FUSEformacOSallowsyoutoextendmacOS'snativefilehandlingcapabilitiesviathird-partyfilesystemsbutisnolongerbeingmaintained.I ...,FUSEisawayofbeingabletoaccesssomefilesystemsthatarenotnativelysupportedbymacOS.FUSEdoesthisusingonlyauser'sregular ...,`osxfuse`hasbeensucceededby`macfuse`asofversion4.0.0.Toupdatetoanewerversion,do:brewuninstallosxfusebrewinstallmacfuse,FUSEformacOS(wasOSXFUSE)allowsyo...

What is OSXFUSE for Mac

FUSE for macOS allows you to extend macOS's native file handling capabilities via third-party file systems but is no longer being maintained. I ...

Do I need Fuse?

FUSE is a way of being able to access some file systems that are not natively supported by macOS. FUSE does this using only a user's regular ...


`osxfuse` has been succeeded by `macfuse` as of version 4.0.0. To update to a newer version, do: brew uninstall osxfuse brew install macfuse

Download FUSE for macOS

FUSE for macOS (was OSXFUSE) allows you to extend OS X's native file-handling capabilities via third-party file systems. It is a successor to MacFUSE, ...

macFUSE (formerly osxfuse)

With Apple starting to use OS X as marketing name for macOS, the name osxfuse was chosen to differentiate the new project from the abandoned Google project.

macFUSE umbrella repository

macFUSE is a software package for macOS that lets non-privileged users create their own file systems without having to write a single line of kernel code.


What is macFUSE? macFUSE allows you to extend macOS's native file handling capabilities via third-party file systems.

How to Fix FUSE errors on MacOS - Gladinet

The FUSE error may go away after a reboot of the computer. Simply reboot the Mac and try to open the Cloud Drive again.

Installing and Updating FUSE on Mac

How to update FUSE · Navigate to System Preferences. · Click on the FUSE icon. If you can't see FUSE here, install it again to enable the ...


FUSE-T is a kext-less implementation of FUSE for macOS that uses NFS v4 local server instead of a kernel extension.